I Called Her Penelope


When a beloved school planetarium closes after decades of service, a local collector restores its legacy to celebrate the wonder of space.

Part of the TRANSMISSIONS project, a collection of short films inspired by the beauty and the unknown of space: transmissionsfilms.com

Director/Producer: Francesco Paciocco terramarefilms.com
Producer: Mike Donaghey scratchempire.tv
Director of Photography: Tony Ditata tonyditata.com
Editor: Eddie Ringer thedeadringer.com
Colorist: Aksel Stasny akselstasny.com
Music: “Moon” By Kevin Matley kevinmatley.com

Penny the Planetarium
John Scala
Bill Kroth
Gordon Powers

Special Thanks
The Sterling Hill Mining Museum: sterlinghillminingmuseum.org
Classroom Close-up: classroomcloseup.org
The Lenape Valley community
Nicole Kerrison